Sunday, December 25, 2005

Tuesday and Wednesday

Tuesday, December 20th
Again, all I wanted to do was get home from work so I could hang out with Gwynne and Julian. They went grocery shopping and when I got home they were cooking dinner - so sweet. We had an awesome potato and vegetable soup! - YUMMY! Then we just hung out and talked and Julian helped Gwynne with her pictures.

Wednesday, December 21st
At school on Wednesday afternoon, the principal told us that there was a snow storm warning and depending on the amount of snow and the storm, the kids might not come to school that day, but the teachers would have to go to school. It was the same way when there was a typhoon warning as well.

After work, I picked up Gwynne from our apartment. Julian was teaching English that night. I have Japanese class on Wednesday nights as well, but I thought it might be fun for Gwynne to get out for a little while. So, we took a bus to downtown Himeji (about 15 minutes from our place), where we met my friend, Liesel for coffee. Liesel is my friend from Japanese class. She is from England and lives here with her boyfriend, Rus and they both teach at one of the private English schools in Japan, Nova. English is a big industry in Japan. She's a textiles major and loves to knit and make art, but in her former life in England she was a primary school teacher. She's really cool!!! YAY Liesel. Anyway, we had coffee and I helped Liesel get caught up on Japanese class since she had missed the previous week. Here's Liesel:

Before I left for class, I took Gwynne to a nearby mall. Everything in Japan, when it comes to fashion and stuff is "razzle dazzle", so I knew Gwynne would enjoy window shopping and checking out everything in the stores. I wanted to stay with her, but I didn't want to miss this class since it would be the last one for 2-3 weeks with the holidays. Next to the mall is a Starbucks, so I left Gwynne with my backpack (which had my laptop), so she could wander the mall and then meet me at Starbucks at 8:30pm where she could go on-line and hang out until I arrived. Here's Gwynne at Starbucks on my computer. I had to take a picture just because she was sitting in Starbucks. She didn't order anything she just used their internet plus it was an easy place for us to meet.

We went with Liesel to an izukaya (Japanese bar with yummy snack foods like tapas) and drank and ate. Julian and Rus met us there and at around midnight I had to leave because I had to work the next day. When we walked out, it was snowing! YUKI! (Japanese for snow).

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