I’ve been absent from my blog for so long that I’m not sure where to begin. I guess that’s always the problem when you are a slacker. So, I guess I’ll start from my last blog. I see this as a diary of sorts that I can refer back to for hopefully years to come, so I might as well move forward in an orderly way. Plus pictures are worth a thousand words, so no need to get too detailed.
August 2nd - 19th - Philippines
As some of you know, I went to the Philippines for almost 3 weeks with Julian and our good friend, Chelsea. The Philippines has over 7000 islands. It’s all about white sand beaches, swaying palm trees, crystal clear water, fruit cocktails in coconuts AND I can’t forget the many massages on the beach, waterfalls, motorbike rides, tarsier monkeys, scuba diving (not by me), jeepneys, a python snake, transvestites, chicken adobo, chicken fights, mangoes, seafood, hammocks, smiles and so on...
Those pictures are beautiful!!
I like the slide showヾ(^_^)BYE
I totally watched the whole slideshow and it was awesome. Those little monkey things were tinier than I thought they were when I saw how big they were compared to Julian's hand! The rickety bridges remind me of the scary ones in China.
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