Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Bat Phone

We have two phones in our apartment, the America phone line and the Japan phone line. The America phone line is the "bat phone", so we can keep in touch with all of our family/friends. The miracle of technology has enabled us to keep our old Phoenix number, so, we can be reached in Japan on our old Arizona number. It's a local call for those of you in the Phoenix area and a long distance call within America for those of you in another part of America.

Now, I'm going to sound like an advertisement, but Vonage rocks! It's connected through our internet and the quality of the phone call is really good! I thought it might sound like I was on a walkie talkie or cell phone but it's fantastic and it's reasonably priced. Now if I could only fix the 14-16 hour time difference!

For those of you that threw away our old number, let me know and I will e-mail it to you. Also, it works better if we can set up a time to talk because of the time difference.

Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah! GO Bat Phone!